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Double Page Research

February 9, 2011

This double page spread is done by Alexey Brodovitch, Russian photographer and graphic designer. Brodovitch revolutionized the way we work with editorial design, in the way he always used content to shape his design. His legacy from his work with Harper’s Bazaar is still present today. What I like about this magazine double spread is that is capitalizes on the space given on the double page spread. Brodovitch has used the strange shape of the type to draw the reader’s attention and to sit nicely on the page, it also mirrors a similar shape to the lady pictured left.

 This double page spread was designed by Wim Crouwell, Dutch graphic designer born in 1928 and still going. Best known for his work for the Stedelijk Museum. The use of a colour scheme has been effective and highlights areas e.g. 2X on top of the image, opacity has been applied so that the image is still easily seen. I love the red border on the left of the text. Although I do not like how there is not much text and only one ambiguous image used. In my double page spread I will capitalise on  my text and image.

One Comment leave one →
  1. February 21, 2011 11:07 pm

    I am disappointed that you have failed to meet the deadline and have not posted up a final double-page spread or contents page for marking.
    I am aware that there were some problems with WordPress at the end of last week. You must try to use this half-term to catch up and must make sure that you have you have posted up all work by 3.05 on Wednesday 3rd March. This is now a matter of urgency.

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